iOS 15迎来更新!出现应用闪退情况,还有一个小“彩蛋”

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Two weeks later, IOS 15 launched the update of beta 3 again. Beta 2 is much smoother and more stable than beta 1. I don't know what the improvement of beta 3 is? It is said that beta 3 also has a hidden colored egg, which exposes a new Apple product. If you want to know what it is, you can continue to watch it!
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This beta 3 is mainly an improvement in details. For example, new startup guidance diagrams have been added to reminders and app store.
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Safari has added a quick search function and a "reload" button on the menu.
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On the weather page, the week arrangement of the 10 day weather forecast has changed from "Monday" to "Monday", but the spacing may not be adjusted, and the digital information about "week" is not displayed completely.
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After many software are upgraded to beta 3, there will be flash back. For example, the order of acquisition, Tiger flutter and Qianniu cannot slide. Tiger flutter said that the flash back problem will be repaired around the 23rd. If you want to use Tiger flutter, you can only return IOS 15 beta 2.
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In terms of battery life, during the three-hour battery life test, cutting video, brushing short video, chatting on wechat and brushing microblog consumed 42% of the power. The battery life is slightly worse than the previous version, but the heating seems to have improved. It's not so easy to get hot when taken out.
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Finally, let's talk about the hidden colored eggs in beta 3. Some netizens found that when upgrading IOS 15 beta 3, they found that homepod was also updated and a new icon was added. It had never appeared before. In terms of appearance, it looked more round than before, narrowed up and down, like a football.
Previously, it was rumored that homepod would stop production and it was unlikely to launch new products. Some netizens explained that in fact, it was only the mini icon that was stretched. There was a screenshot of a user on the Internet. Homepod was short and fat. Obviously, both of them were bugs with icon display problems.
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As for the upgrade suggestions for IOS 15 beta 3, it is recommended that small partners who have upgraded beta 2 can upgrade, but if you use the flash back software just mentioned, it is recommended that you stay in beta 2 and upgrade after subsequent repair.
Well, today's experience of IOS 15 beta 3 is over here. If you find any other bugs after upgrading, please leave a message in the comment area!

