Apple Vision Pro may help users navigate with directional audio cues

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This is a huge reveal, it makes it apparent that Apple expects its customers will wear their headset while walking about, probably even outside, and that Apple embraces the idea.

There is no way that it is safe to walk around while wearing them. There are obstructions everywhere, that our normal field of vision picks up without us even knowing it. People will be tripping over things and running into things, being attacked from behind because they can't hear what's around them when playing music using ANC. And wearing a $3,500 piece of highly visible jewelry that's going to be the number one target for thieves. People are being robbed, beaten and killed for $200 shoes and jackets already. Better to disable them so users have to take them off when moving.

You'd think people are too smart to impair their sight and hearing when navigating about, but history tells us this is not the case.


