Apple doesn't have a smartphone loyalty problem, but Google does

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Google Pixel 7 and iPhone 14



Apple can rest easy knowing many iPhone owners out there will stick with the brand, but a new study shows that the same can't be said for Google.

That's according to new data put together by Statista, following the announcement of Google's two newest smartphones. After surveying thousands of smartphone users in the United States, it turns out Google might need to work on that loyalty issue.

Statista surveyed a total of 9,571 smartphone users in the U.S. from April 1, 2022 up until March 28, 2023, with just over 7,500 responding. Interestingly, while thousands of iPhone and Samsung-branded smartphone owners responded, less than 500 Pixel owners did.

In any event, as you can see from the graph below, the iPhone remains a steadfast purchase for most owners. When asked, "How likely are you to change your smartphone brand at the next possible occasion?", the results show that 49% of current iPhone owners are going to stick with the iPhone moving forward.

Smartphone loyalty by brand

Compare that to the 44 percent of Samsung smartphone owners that say the same, or the lackluster 26% of Pixel owners who said the same.

The numbers are even more staggering the other way for the Pixel, with 57% of respondents saying they are going to switch away from the Pixel to something else. Meanwhile, both Apple and Samsung sit at 34 percent planning to switch.

The report indicates Google may win over some new customers with its latest smartphones, which includes a foldable device. However, keeping those customers coming back for more appears to be the company's weak point, despite having specs and price tags to help sway them.


