WWDC 2015 update supports the latest Apple watch and ios8 Version above 3 Apple WWDC 2015(蘋果開發者大會)將於6月8日早上10點舉行(臺灣時間6月9日凌晨1點),蘋果每年也會替自家WWDC更新,今年也不例外於大會前將 WWDC App 進行更新,裡面可查詢到5日的所有... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 578
[ios9 skill teaching] share the original material file of Apple's official livephoto, so that all iPhones can be easily applied 蘋果官方和發表會上展示LivePhoto素材為什麼沒有在iOS9上看見呢?沒關係!iOS.iM已經透過特殊管道獲取到這些素材檔案,立馬就免費提供給大家下載,並且還會教大家怎麼將這些素材套用回iOS9設備上,心動了吧... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 582
[iPhone / iPad teaching] teach you to use ios9 in the fastest way Night shift control method on 3! iOS9.3正式版中最受到大家注意的功能就是 Night Shift 功能,這項功能可自動於日落後自動調節 iPhone 或 iPad 的螢幕色溫,主要是因為蘋果公司表示許多研究已顯示,晚上暴露在亮眼的藍光下,會影... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 538
Apple to restructure services business to focus more on advertising, streaming Apple's Eddy Cue is reportedly working to shake up the company's lucrative Services business in order to fo... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 512
How to sign a PDF on a Mac Learn how to create a digital signature that can be inserted into digital forms and documents on macOS with... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 601