配件厂商现已上架苹果 iPhone 14 系列手机膜 绿联、倍思、ROCK 等配件厂商现已上架 iPhone 14 系列手机膜,绿联的康宁玻璃型号售价达 99 元。配件厂家的宣传图都采用了 iPhone 14 Pro 系列的“感叹号”设计,而且手机膜的适用型号确认有 ... AppleiOS 2022-08-26 评论 443
It’s settled: 6.1 inches is the ideal smartphone screen size I come to you today with good and bad news. The bad news is that small phones are dead. Apple is all but ce... AppleiOS 2022-08-26 评论 448
New patent may reveal how Apple could pull off a no-notch iPhone 14 Pro Apple is rumored to ditch the notch in the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max in favor of a pill-shaped cutout and a... AppleiOS 2022-08-26 评论 466
Apple now paying out $95M in AppleCare lawsuit settlement Apple is starting to send out payments in its $95 million settlement of a class-a... AppleiOS 2022-08-26 评论 496
The best ways to communicate well between iOS and Android smartphones Default messaging apps like iMessage are not always the best to use when you know... AppleiOS 2022-08-26 评论 390