苹果电脑 macOS 系统插微软 NTFS 格式的移动硬盘时,会发现不能写入文件。市面上解决这问题的软件大多价格不菲,如果你真有需求,可以试试这个免费且开源的 NTFS 磁盘读写工具:NTFSTool。中国开发者制作,界面不错,支持中...
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这么多年了,「读写 NTFS 格式移动硬盘/U盘」还是个让 Mac 用户头疼的问题(尤其是写)。多年以前推荐过一个功能和界面都不错的软件 NTFSTool,但是开发者很久不更新了。这个名叫 Mounty 的软件还在持续更新,且看了一下...
MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and iMac on sale through B&H Photo.This week's best deals from B&H Photo have AppleInsider ...
ericthehalfbeeWhat this move by Apple does is expose just how friggin’ stupid those in the EU who make these laws are...
staticI believe you have this all wrong. The Vision Pro is for creators and developers more than anything. It is a pr...