Apple Vision Pro is not the iPhone, and faces an incredibly steep uphill climb

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I believe you have this all wrong. The Vision Pro is for creators and developers more than anything. It is a pre-cursor product in a lot of ways, which is unusual for Apple. Normally Apple waits until it can release a product with a big enough addressable market to really move the needle for them to make it worth the effort. That requires lower prices. But in this case, Apple couldn’t build a product that would truly blow people away at a more accessible price point, BUT they couldn’t keep letting Meta progress towards dominance of AR/VR. I expect that subsequent versions will be lighter, with a cheaper model in tow. But the real breakthrough consumer product will be around Gen 4 and look more like glasses than a headset.

Another fun fact—Sony currently has capacity to make between 100,000-200,000 screens a month. Let’s assume 200K. That’s production of 100K units a month. Apple would never launch a product with those capacity constraints if expectations/aspirations were for big unit sales.

Gotta think longer term imo.

Apple can’t get developers to build apps and uses cases without its own contribution and commitment to making an incredible devices long term. This was just the second move after spending the better part of a decade building out ARkit. Gotta address Siri though. We can all now have voice conversations with ChatGPT and then trying to use Siri is like talking to a robotic golden retriever.


