Apple still a safe haven stock amid sticky macroeconomic situation, analyst says

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It's almost always a good time to buy AAPL. Some times are better than others (like 2-3 weeks ago when it got close to $130), but if you buy and forget for a year or two or longer you will always do well in the end.

IDK why Wall Street still hasn't properly valued AAPL, for all the reasons mentioned in this article and much more. In difficult times, Apple still does well and better than most. They have an amazing product pipeline, even if we still have no idea what shape the AR/VR products or Project Titan will take. Then there's Services, which has a stratospheric margin and continues to grow and grow. Then there's that hypermassive pile of gold they're bringing in and doling out to shareholders in the forms of a very sustainable dividend payment and stock buybacks.


