Apple highlights smaller European developers in new App Store editorial series

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Apple has launched a new App Store editorial series called "Meet The Founders," which highlights smaller app developers throughout Europe.

The new App Store series, first spotted by TechRadar, curates several smaller apps and spotlights their founders or developers. Apple already collects and lists apps in its editorial content, but the Founders post appears to be the first of an ongoing series.

"In this series, we highlight an awesome collection of apps and introduce you to the talented founders behind them to discover what drives them and where they get their inspiration from," Apple writes of the series.

The new Founders series will appear in the App Store like other current editorial stories. Apple also occasionally sends App Store editorial content via email or social media.

Some of the first apps highlighted in Founders include "1sland," "Equilab," "Structured," "Holy Owly," "Planta," "Stoic," "Mad Skills Motocross 3," and "Rivengard."

In addition to the new Founders series, other editorial content put together by Apple's App Store editors include App of the Day and Game of the Day picks, tutorials and tips, and "Daily Stories" that offer original interviews and information about specific apps and their impact on users' lives.


