Apple's iPhone came out 15 years ago and changed the world

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Absolutely love the Ballmer and Pogue videos. This article should also have included the reaction of Google engineers when the iPhone was announced.

Then there was the tech curmudgeon John C Dvorak who ‘begged’ Apple to cancel the iPhone project before it ruined the company’s reputation.

I’ve been around long enough to witness every single Apple product released be derided, dismissed, declared DOA and the last straw that would finally doom Apple to oblivion. Current object of derision? The child killing AirTag, of course.  And then there are the armchair engineers who hold court in tech blogs like AppleInsider spewing froth their requirements before they will buy an Apple product. They rail against Apple for not including what they claim would be a simple, easily implemented feature or function while not knowing a single iota of how software and hardware engineering works. 

Wait for the inevitable reaction from a certain crowd here that will dismiss this article as blatant fanboyism on AppleInsider’s part. 


