Which MacBook Air or MacBook Pro to buy at any price point

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red oak

Great analysis

The key question in the Mac line-up is what happens going forward to the MacBook Pro 13.    Either is gets discontinued, or gets a major update to bring it in-line with the 14” and 16”.    I think it gets axed.  I think the screen size difference between it and the 14” is too small to justify its existence. 

If Apple does discontinue it,  I see them expanding the price range of the MacBook Air.     In this scenario, the main problem is starting  prices of $999 (Air), $1,999 (MBP 14), and $2,499 (MBP 16).   There is is a huge ($1,000) gap between the starting price of the Air and the 14”.     One possibility is Apple introducing a Air 15” priced at something like $1,299 or $1,499.  Main idea being offering two different size Air screen sizes  


