Customer trapped in Apple & FedEx blame game over lost Apple Watch

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An Apple Watch owner who wanted his device repaired had trouble, after Apple and FedEx both refused to take the blame for a missing parcel.

Dedham, Massachusetts resident Vic Son was stuck in a battle between FedEx and Apple over who should take responsibility for a lost-in-transit Apple Watch. A problem that could've been fixed earlier by Apple's customer care.

In February, Son had a new Apple Watch sent to his home as an AppleCare replacement, since it had stopped charging after four months. Under the arrangement, Son would have two weeks to return his old Apple Watch to Apple, or face being charged for the replacement.

The man followed Apple's instructions, using the provided materials and label, and dropping it off at his local FedEx facility. However, the Boston Globe reports he was charged $328 by Apple on his credit card.

Son called Apple, and after two hours and four transfers, got hold of a representative identified as Jeremy. The rep told him that the Apple Watch didn't arrive with Apple, and so a charge was applied.

Jeremy offered Son a FedEx tracking number to try and fix the problem, insisting that it was something the customer had to fix. A second call then followed to FedEx, with a 90-minute hold time and more dissatisfaction.

FedEx said it would investigate, but only after Son filed a claim. Days later, FedEx said "we must respectfully decline your claim," as an addendum was on the contract for the delivery "stating you agreed to not file claims resulting from transportation services provided by FedEx," the delivery firm said, with little other detail.

After hitting a brick wall, Son got hold of Apple again, with Jeremy insisting he had to deal with FedEx directly. Son did so, and eventually discovered the addendum was an agreement by Apple to hold FedEx unaccountable for lost packages heading to Apple.

Son then tried to get hold of Apple, but wasn't called back. "Apple and FedEx kept pointing the finger at each other, and I was caught in the middle," said Son. "I felt like the ball in a ping-pong match."

Son contacted the Boston Globe about the stalemate, who contacted FedEx about the problem. FedEx then gave Son an explanation that was more understandable, as well as advising that Apple had to file the claim since it was all organized on Apple's account.

The reporter emailed Apple, only for a manager from the Corporate Executive Relations team to contact Son directly. The manager said Jeremy was wrong in directing Son to contact FedEx, and credited the $328 charge back to the customer.

Following apologies, Son pressed to see if Apple could do something to make up for the issue. When asked what he wanted, Son said "An iPad Pro Plus," before agreeing to a pair of AirPods as compensation.


