iPhone SE 4 chassis now said to resemble the iPhone 16

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chasm said:
There are lots of people — not myself, but I’ve spoken to many of my female and male clients — who would prefer Apple continue to make the “mini” aka “current SE” size phone. Reasons range from wanting to keep the phone in a small purse to a tendency to wear tighter-fitting pants and other reasons.
I’m sure it a “small” audience (heh) for “mini-sized” iPhones, but its not insubstantial — and this is an area where they can get what they want from from the Android market. My wife has said many times she has zero interest in a phone any bigger than the current-gen SE, so I hope they will at least go on making that.

Apple's segmentation is designed to make sure a rather significant portion, a super majority (?), of iPhone buyers go to the $600, $800 models.

If the rumors are true, and the new SE will have a 6.1" display, you have to wonder how they are going to de-feature the SE to make people go for the upsell. LCD display. Single back camera. Touch ID sleep/wake button instead of Face ID. Bigger bezels and thicker? Or IOW, a model that meets basic smartphone needs, non-premium features, and that's about it.

A lot of people would have loved it if they made iPhone X like model, 5.8" display, the $450 model. Or, base it on the iPhone 13 mini. Going to a 6.1" display means a lot of people will go for it instead of the $600 n-2 model.


