M3 MacBook Air review: The ideal Mac laptop for Intel hold-outs

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Damn. Can I just say that the writing on AppleInsider has never been better--with this review being yet another recent example of superb focus, evaluations that absolutely nail the essential-to-know information and identify the target buyer with great clarity. I also appreciate the dismantling of nonsense "FAILS" that pass for "information" in the clickbait review world of Apple products. Yes, if you land a job as editor on the upcoming Dune 3, you probably shouldn't buy a Macbook Air as your work laptop. 

As someone who routinely sells my used Mac equipment privately when it's time for an upgrade, a further word of advice to those with Intel MBAs: better to sell now, while it's still supported and can run the latest MacOS. Makes a difference to potential buyers that it's still "current." The resale price will take a big hit once your MBA gets EOL'd by Apple and is stuck on an old OS. 


