Department of Justice antitrust filing against Apple said to be imminent, for the fourth consecutive year

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I wish the DOJ would leave Apple alone.  Apple is NOT a monopoly.  If you add up the market share of all of their "computing" devices (if you added up all macOS, iOS, iPadOS devices as a total), they are hovering in the  20% to 30%  range, as is Microsoft and Google in terms of OS's.  But in terms of market share of desktops/laptops, or just the smartphones, or just the tablets, then Apple has a much small market share.   Apple just has MANY different OSs due to the various products they make and their differentiation between them.

Yeah, why would a computer company have to sell their OS to OEMs?  There's no law about that.  that's like telling a car company, you have to sell your drive train to OEMs, because you're selling too many cars under your own brand.

People are not held to only being able to use Apple devices.  I know people that have an Android, Apple and Windows based products and they don't have a problem using it.  Sure, we might get certain features, but the main attraction to all devices by one company is usability/ease of use and support.  

If a customer wants to switch to another smartphone brand, they can, anytime they want to. no one is forcing them to stick with Apple.

As far as the App Store, it just makes sense for Apple to have their App Store, Microsoft has theirs that serves THEIR platforms, and Google has theirs to serve THEIR platform.  That's what customers want.  They want EASE of getting, managing the apps they use. The only issue is just battling between the App developers on how much they have to give up for one company to manage the App Store.


