Apple CEO Tim Cook calls AI a fundamental technology

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OctoMonkey said:
and yet...  When my iPhone does a voice-text transcription of voicemail message, it spells my name wrong.  A whole lot of intelligence there!

Apple unlike their competition is working towards on device AI solutions and not the ET phone home AI. What’s implemented on the Apple Vision Pro begins with the M2/M3 chip working in conjunction with the R1 chip which knows what to do when you look at something or when you slightly rub your fingers together to execute a command, in short, it won’t be Googles (video boost) implementation where information is sent to Google HQ, and then bounced back to you after being scrubbed of personal information, I think the AI path Apple is taking is more private to the end user (on device).

On device, AI is more complicated because it actually requires a SOC chip combined with OS level software, and conversely requires a hell of a lot more time to design, engineer, and develop, designing something that works on a super computer back home at Google/Microsoft HQ does not which is why Google resorted to that method to cover for the shortcomings of the Tensor SOC in the Pixel 8 Pro which is five years behind Apple.


