Join Storm Reid for a 90-minute study buddy video from Apple

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Storm Reid in Apple's "Study with Me" video (Source: Apple)

Apple has released a feature-length "Study with Me" video with actor and student Storm Reid, as she — and viewers — concentrate on studying.

"Hey, everyone, welcome to my 'Study with Me' video," says Reid both in a YouTube shorts promo and her full session. "I am very excited to start studying with you guys."

"We're gonna be using the Pomodoro technique. 25 minute study sessions, five minute breaks," she continues. "Let's get to work."

For most of the 90 minutes, there is an onscreen clock counting down each 25 minute session until the breaks. While the clock is running, Reid is studying and not talking with the audience.

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There is a quite loud background music soundtrack from Apple Music, featuring artists such as Nite Crawler, Bloom Sky, and GLOFLY. But otherwise, there is no commentary, no discussion, just Reid studying.

Reid is genuinely a student at USC where Apple says she's majoring in dramatic arts with a minor in African American studies.

Apple does also say, and shows us, that she is studying using a 15-inch MacBook Air, and that of the four colors available, "Storm's color is Starlight."

As Reid promises, the 90 minutes is divided into three study sessions of 25 minutes each, followed by 5-minute breaks. During the breaks, she dances, eats, and practices relaxation.

"Study with Me" is remarkably well-shot and produced for such a simple video, and studying alongside someone is a proven technique to help people concentrate. Even when that someone is on a video.

Apple does use its video description to promote education pricing in his Apple Stores across the world. But it also uses it to give a detailed list of chapters, so that viewers who can't fit in a 90-minute session, can split it up.

While this is the first time Apple has released such a video, it's far from the first "Study with Me" project on YouTube. Most seem to run for two or three hours, but there's even a ten-hour Exam Cram Study with Me video that was originally streamed live.

Separately, this year's Back to School promotions from Apple for both schools and universities is continuing.


