Apple sneaks in very old devices into iPhone 15 event video — and omits one, too

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Great article, Lord Gallagher (Stephen dixit).

Very remarkable sight for a man of your age!

I was lucky enough to be at WWDC01… and saw Steve Jobs' keynote presenting MacOS X, and being part of the whole event as a developer.

I think it was on Thursday that they took us to the Infinite Loop headquarters for a musical show,
From the inside garden and scenario you went thru a maybe 150 feet aisle to the cafeteria.
In the middle of that aisle there were like 8-10 square tables with and acrylic box on top.
Inside of each sox there were… an Apple I, an original 1984's Macintosh 128k… and other ‘pieces of history.’ The one that I remember the most is the inside of the original Macintosh enclosure… with the signatures of all the original developers.

Then… Steve Jobs sent all that to the Stanford's museum. He said something like: “I like to see forward.”

Set decorators are a quite different kind of people!


