UK antitrust regulators again denied permission to examine Safari dominance

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This constant insistence that the customer is some stupid sheep that is tricked into a platform is irritating to the point of nausea. Informed people choose the platform to avoid historical computing hazards. Apple have done an excellent job of maintaining the advantages of personal computing, while isolating the overwhelming majority of security and scam vectors.

Annual malware reports provide irrefutable evidence that supports Apple's decisions for the browser-engine and the app store limitations, yet so frequently these realities and hard-learned lessons on security are hand-waved away as if they're not detrimental to computing.

iOS has the lowest share of malware of any platform, even less than the far less popular macOS. Top of the list is Android with more than 50% of malware, then Windows, then IoT devices, one needs to go to the very end of the list to find iOS, with the platform taking less than 1% of malware despite having a massive install base and a relatively wealthy average customer.

These efforts to crack-open Apple's user protections for the sake of utterly lazy and greedy developers is sickening; it's clear corruption to anyone that has an understanding of computing history and malware threats.


