Apple Impact Accelerator program reopens to boost minority-owned businesses in green industries

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Apple Impact Accelerator program reopens to boost minority-owned businesses in green industries

Andrew Orr |

Apple announces new year of Impact Accelerator



For the third year, Apple is reopening its Impact Accelerator program to help Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic/Latino entrepreneurs in green industries.

Apple started the Impact Accelerator in 2021 to help small, minority-owned businesses as part of its Racial Equality and Justice Initiative. Last year's program had 16 businesses receive training and mentorship from Apple to form initiatives around climate change.

For 2023, Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of environment, policy, and social initiatives, tweeted that the newest Impact Accelerator program is open. Apple will receive applications until May 1.

We're expanding opportunities for Black, Hispanic/Latino, and Indigenous entrepreneurs developing innovative climate solutions in clean energy, recycling, green chemistry, and more. Applications to join our Impact Accelerator are open until May 1!

— Lisa P. Jackson (@lisapjackson) April 24, 2023

Once again, the program is open to entrepreneurs in the industries for clean energy and other green technologies. The program helps businesses in four areas.

  • Targeted training: Customized training and coaching provide the knowledge and tools that organizations need to succeed as Apple suppliers.
  • Access: Direct access to Apple experts helps providers identify strategic partnership opportunities that align their business priorities with Apple's environmental goals.
  • Executive skills: Executive training and one-to-one mentorship will support leaders as they position their companies for growth.
  • Alumni network: The Impact Accelerator is just the beginning. After completing the program, companies are invited to join our Supplier Success community. Apple Impact Accelerator alums will receive ongoing professional growth opportunities, including access to Apple experts, invitations to private networking events, and connections with previous program participants.

Companies need to be headquartered in the US to be eligible and be in the environmental industry. They must also be owned, operated, and controlled by at least 51% African American, Hispanic/Latino American, or Indigenous Americans.

Companies with inventive environmental solutions, applications, or methods will receive preference. In particular, priority goes to companies in late-stage development or have reached commercial-scale deployment or those that can contribute to one or more of Apple's environmental priority areas.

The program is free to join, and the 2023 program is open for applications until May 1.

Andrew Orr

Andrew is a writer and commentator who has been sharing his insights on technology since 2015. He has authored numerous online articles covering a range of topics including Apple, privacy, and security. Andrew joined AppleInsider in 2022 as a Contributing Writer covering news, tips, and reviews.


