If you're a developer, Setapp wants to hear from you about Mac apps

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For the seventh year, Mac app service Setapp is polling developers with questions about distribution, discovery, and subscriptions.

Setapp is a subscription service that gets users more than 200 Mac apps, and certain associated iOS ones, for a flat monthly fee. The Ukraine company has now been polling developers for seven years, and although each survey can have different emphasis, it's always about the state of Mac app development.

If you are a Mac app developer, then to contribute to the poll — and be in with a chance to win $150 Apple Gift Card — you can start the survey.

The survey closes on Friday, March 10, 2023, when three people will win the gift card. Setapp says that it will publish the survey results in April.

Calling all macOS devs

Our annual developer survey is officially open! Your answers help macOS app makers create better apps

Want to join? Answer in the survey questions following this link: https://t.co/pnF5878svd pic.twitter.com/YsNmUbpkKI

— Setapp (@Setapp) February 28, 2023

For its 2022 survey, Setapp had 354 respondents from 37 countries. Just over half said they struggled with marketing, while 57% said getting their apps discovered by users was the greatest challenge.

As Setapp is based in Ukraine, it did ask developers worldwide about the situation. "Almost 70% of respondents felt some impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine," said the company, "with 9% being impacted majorly or severely."

But also "68%... rather or totally support using product features or creating new ones to help Ukrainians."

Separately, Setapp announced early on in the war that its software would continue to work uninterrupted because of its parent company MacPaw's having "been preparing for these circumstances" for some time.


