You can't pair the first Apple Pencil with a USB-C iPad Pro

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JP234 said:
 I thought it was a shame that we need batteries to read a book. Now we're living in an age where even a pencil needs a battery.

Grow up. You don't need batteries to read a book unless there's a power failure or maybe you're camping. Nobody is stopping you from reading a paperback or hardcover book or buying a pad of paper and a No. 2 pencil, if that's your fetish.

A Pencil need a battery. A pencil does not. Though you might want to invest in a powered pencil sharpener. You know, for all  that writing you do. Unless your a purist.

Or if you're having trouble telling the difference between a tablet and a book, you  write on a tablet with a Pencil and you write in a  book with a pencil.



