DuckDuckGo's private browser for Mac enters public beta

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Youtube's ads are getting denser and denser. I remember a few years ago when they added a second ad to most ad breaks, and now they are occasionally forcing people to watch three ads in one ad break. And a huge percentage of those ads are at least 15-seconds (and longer, if you don't press SKIP ADS.) So 15 seconds times three ads is 45 seconds of ads, just to watch the first five minutes of a video. In my opinion they've hit the threshold of commercial TV ads (if you don't press on SKIP ADS.) And since ads are tailored for each user, that makes the business much more profitable than commercial TV. That gives me a few options:

  1. Stop watching Youtube
  2. Start using DuckDuckGo's browser
  3. Start paying for "Youtube Premium" for less ads
  4. Write software to click on SKIP ADS (I won't say if I've already done this.)

