Fast Company's Apple News hacked to send offensive push notifications

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Hackers have used Fast Company's Apple News access to send obscene push notifications to users and then detailed plans to release company information in a now-removed post to the outlet's website.

On Tuesday, business-centric news outlet Fast Company sent two obscenity-laden push notifications to its Apple News followers.

Apple News responded by disabling the feed and acknowledging the incident on Twitter.

An incredibly offensive alert was sent by Fast Company, which has been hacked. Apple News has disabled their channel.

— Apple News (@AppleNews) September 28, 2022

Fast Company also acknowledged the hack in a tweet.

Fast Company's Apple News account was hacked on Tuesday evening. Two obscene and racist push notifications were sent about a minute apart.

The messages are vile and not in line with the content and ethos of Fast Company. (continued below)

— Fast Company (@FastCompany) September 28, 2022

Recipients of the push notification quickly took to Twitter to post screenshots of the alerts, which included a slur.

According to The Verge, there was also a post on the Fast Company website that detailed how the malicious party was able to sneak behind the company's security protocol.

The hackers then linked to a forum post where they revealed they would release thousands of employee records and draft posts from Fast Company's database. They also informed readers that customer information was stored in a different database to which they did not have access.

Fast Company isn't the only company to get hacked recently. In mid-September, Uber suffered a data hack.

In early September, Samsung informed customers that customer data had been stolen in July.


