iPhone 14 Pro Max already backordered, amidst Apple Store issues

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Within minutes of iPhone 14 preorders starting, and through a troublesome Apple Store, shipping dates for the iPhone 14 Pro Max have already slipped.

Apple began taking preorders for the iPhone 14 range at 8 a.m. ET and after ten minutes, shipping dates the 512GB iPhone 14 Pro Max had slipped back. Originally shipping by September 16, after ten minutes it was October 3, and after half an hour, it was October 10.

And all of this was while the Apple Store online wasn't performing well. Apple's content network was unusually slow to roll out in some areas, with the App Store app not going live as quickly as the desktop version did.

Additionally, users complained of Apple Pay problems, cancelled orders, payment failures, and other issues preventing ordering.

After 45 minutes, and through all the problems, all colors and all storage configurations of the iPhone 14 Pro Max had slipped back to being shipped between October 3 and October 10.

Unusually, none of the other models have seen any shipping delays at all.

Note that Apple always reserves some stock to be sold in stores. At present most configurations of the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max, are showing in-store pickup availability from September 18.

The iPhone 14 Plus will not hit customers' doorsteps until October 7. Currently in-store pickup is available from then, too.


