On December 22, dreamjb a perfect prison break scam

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12月22日 DreamJB 一場完美越獄騙局


還真的是騙了不少人,也粉碎了一些期待JB出來的iPhone使用者,這次事件主角「DreamJB」的發言人表示,大家已經為了JB失去理性,還表示他們自己的JB只是單純研究使用,還是要等Dev Team的成員公佈JB消息才有辦法,難道這次「DreamJB」是為了騙取廣告費用才出此下策?


DreamJB 原文內容

DreamJB was intended as a social experiment. In the matter of a mere week, over 20,000 people followed @DreamJailbreak on twitter.

This website had over 300,000 unique viewers. People believed in a “jailbreak” that originally provided no proof at all.

There are services out there that charge for jailbreaks that are intended to be free. Imagine what could have happened should this have gone for sale?

The provided proof tonight was intended as a final boost to the viewers before this message was released.

Let this be a lesson to the public. PLEASE be careful when it comes to jailbreak solutions that are advertised outside of the prominent and accepted dev teams. Do some research and follow them on Twitter now.

Dismiss any claims made by anybody, unless it has been confirmed from the dev team members.

Should a real jailbreak ever surface, they’ll be the first to give it the OK.

This experiment is exactly as it was named. Simply just a dream.





