苹果正在开发新的游戏主机,还有专用芯片加持 3 月 31 日消息,Apple Pippin 是苹果在 1995/1996 与万代在日本和美国等市场推出的游戏机/多媒体播放机平台,但很可惜最终并未受到市场青睐。它采用 66MHz 的 PowerPC 603e ... AppleiOS 2022-03-31 评论 637
对于这类型的 iPhone 苹果不再提供维修服务 根据MacRumors获得的一份内部备忘录,当客户带来需要维修的设备时,如果iPhone在GSMA设备注册表中被报告丢失,Apple Store和Apple授权服务提供商现在将收到提醒。根据苹果周一分享的备忘录,如... AppleiOS 2022-03-31 评论 641
Apple and Meta shared data with hackers pretending to be law enforcement officials Apple and Meta handed over user data to hackers who faked emergency data request orders typically sent by l... AppleiOS 2022-03-31 评论 656
Apple finally lets ‘reader’ apps like Kindle, Netflix, and Spotify link to their own sites Apple is making good on its promise to let some developers link out to their own sites from within their ap... AppleiOS 2022-03-31 评论 676
Apple will allow Dutch dating apps to use other payment options within existing apps To help bring an end to wrangling with Dutch regulators that stretched over the last several months, today,... AppleiOS 2022-03-31 评论 649