Let you know more about the meaning behind the invitation letter for the 2016 Apple spring conference 自從蘋果發佈邀請函後,在這次邀請函上面有寫一句「Let us loop you in.」標語,與搭配上這次主題,到底有暗藏什麼玄機在裡面呢?有推特用戶JakeRenton98就發揮了創意與巧思,從這主題上可看出... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 495
[lazy bag] 2016 Apple Spring Conference iphonese, 9.7-inch iPad pro, apple watch strap key finishing review 2016年蘋果春季發表會終於在美西時間3月21日上午10點(台灣時間3月22日凌晨1點)正式登場,本次在發表會前,被外界統一看好會有新一代 iPhoneSE 與 9.7 吋 iPad Pro 縮小版,都在這場發... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 549
2016 Apple global developer conference wwdc16 confirmed! The meeting will begin on June 13 蘋果已經更新WWDC16(蘋果全球開發者大會)首頁,這與先前傳言的時間點不謀而合,另也有用戶發現Siri也於今早就先洩漏消息,蘋果將時間定於6月13日至17日於舊金山的Moscore West會議中心舉行2016蘋... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 501
You can hack Apple CarPlay into a Tesla using — what else — Android While Tesla’s operating system is known for having tons of built-in features (including the ability to play... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 571
[secret technology teaching] old Mac users can also download the latest official version of Iwork software in 2013 for free 在Apple發表會過後,大家都會期待免費下載更新OSX 10.9 Mavericks與iWork,但要注意一點就是想獲得iWork(俗稱mac版的office,內包含有Pages=word、Keynote=ppt、... AppleiOS 2022-05-10 评论 577