iPhone 14续航会增加吗?iPhone 14电池容量曝光 本周早些时候,iPhone 14全系涨价的消息登上热搜,有消息称苹果今年秋季将推出的4款iPhone 14,起售价分别为799美元、899美元、1099美元和1199美元,较iPhone 13系列将上涨100美元。... AppleiOS 2022-06-24 评论 593
苹果 iPhone 14 Pro Max 全新古铜色版渲染图出炉:辨识度拉满 6 月 23 日消息,苹果 iPhone14 系列还有不到 3 个月的时间就要跟大家见面了,而一向作为“顶流”的新款 iPhone 每年都会受到无数用户的期待。不说其他改进,“狡猾”的苹果每年都会在颜值上做些小动作... AppleiOS 2022-06-24 评论 541
Apple raises Apple Music Student plan price to $6 a month in US, UK & Canada Apple has quietly raised the price of its Apple Music Student plan to $6 in the U... AppleiOS 2022-06-24 评论 488
'For All Mankind' prop fused an Apple Newton MessagePad 120 and an iPhone 12 The Apple Newton MessagePad 120 made a surprise cameo in the third season of Appl... AppleiOS 2022-06-24 评论 526
Twitter’s closed caption toggle is now available on iOS and Android Twitter has announced that a button to toggle captions for its video player is now available for everyone o... AppleiOS 2022-06-24 评论 474