Now the built-in iPhone Music Recognition feature syncs its history with the Shazam app Apple’s Music Recognition feature in the iPhone Control Center is now able to sync with the latest version ... AppleiOS 2022-07-09 评论 506
Roger Goodell tries to explain why the league is launching NFL Plus The NFL is working on its own direct-to-consumer streaming service, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell told CNB... AppleiOS 2022-07-09 评论 457
Apple Maps gets more detailed 3D data for three more countries France, Monaco, and New Zealand all now have updated terrain and road details as ... AppleiOS 2022-07-09 评论 504
How to AirPlay from iPhone to Mac with macOS Monterey and iOS 15 With iOS 15, and macOS Monterey, you can send video and audio from your iPhone to... AppleiOS 2022-07-08 评论 525
Best fitness and workout accessories for Apple Watch & iPhone users An iPhone and an Apple Watch is already an excellent combo for fitness, but there... AppleiOS 2022-07-08 评论 501