苹果 iOS / iPadOS 15.6 开发者预览版 Beta 4 发布 6 月 29 日消息,苹果今日向 iPhone 和 iPad 用户推送了 iOS / iPadOS 15.6 开发者预览版 Beta 4 更新(内部版本号:19G5056c),本次更新距离上次发布隔了 14 天。i... AppleiOS 2022-06-29 评论 467
苹果高管早年言论曝光:指责三星抄袭 iPhone,只是“放了一个更大的屏幕” 6 月 29 日消息,《华尔街日报》的 Joanna Stern 今日分享了一部关于 iPhone 从 2007 年 6 月 29 日至今推出 15 周年的的新纪录片。该纪录片包括对苹果营销主管 Greg Josw... AppleiOS 2022-06-29 评论 468
Brazil joins fight to make USB-C standard on iPhone genovelleSo making billions of phones cables obsolete over night reduces waste. This is a plot to make some... AppleiOS 2022-06-29 评论 455
Apple to announce third fiscal quarter earnings on July 28 On Tuesday, Apple announced that it will detail earnings for the third fiscal qua... AppleiOS 2022-06-29 评论 491
NLRB certifies union election win for Apple Towson Town Center employees The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has certified the union election for mo... AppleiOS 2022-06-29 评论 414