Jellyfish, Shaking Face, Pink Heart are new emoji coming to iOS 16 at some point The annual release of new emojis is not due until September, but 31 proposed ones... AppleiOS 2022-07-13 评论 539
How to use AirPods to hear what's around your iPhone in iOS 15 With an iPhone and a pair of AirPods, you can use iOS 15's Live Listen feature to... AppleiOS 2022-07-13 评论 493
New emoji for iOS and Android include a high five and shaking face It’s World Emoji Day on Sunday, so that means we’re getting a preview of the emoji that will eventually com... AppleiOS 2022-07-13 评论 466
“爱思远程助手”应用安装使用教程:可以远程操作其他电脑 近日,我们公司新开发了一款叫做爱思远程助手远程服务软件。“爱思远程助手”拥有强大的功能,可以通过远程操作其他电脑完成各种各样的程序运行,并且在控制对方电脑过程中可以使用快速录屏,截屏等重要功能。远程控制对方电脑时还... AppleiOS 2022-07-13 评论 495
Amazon Prime Day Deals Round 2: last call for epic price cuts on Apple products The second and final day of Amazon Prime Day 2022 is underway, with fresh deals o... AppleiOS 2022-07-13 评论 484