苹果公开汽车专利248项 Apple Car预计2025年发布 7月26日上午消息,自2000年以来,苹果已申请并公布了248项与汽车相关的专利。苹果的这些专利涵盖了无人驾驶技术、乘坐舒适度、座位、悬挂、导航、电池管理、V2X 车与车通信连接等等。在申请的专利中最多的是通信与导... AppleiOS 2022-07-26 评论 419
多款重磅产品+大惊喜!苹果未来一年新品名单曝光 作为全球最大的科技公司之一,苹果旗下的产品种类可以说是非常全面,基本囊括了我们日常所需要的各种电子产品。而随着时间的一步步推进,我们距离苹果的下一次发布会也越来越近。据悉,苹果即将在几个月之内发布它的新款旗舰手机i... AppleiOS 2022-07-26 评论 518
Apple purchased gold from supplier linked to illegal mining in Brazil wood1208Biggest problem with America is they screw themselves in the name of whatever(fairness, human abuse... AppleiOS 2022-07-26 评论 447
Ready or not, the Glassholes are coming back Every major tech company is working on computer glasses. None of them really want to go first.They all reme... AppleiOS 2022-07-26 评论 505
iPad Pro with OLED may be more expensive because of dry etching Apple is rumored to bring OLED displays to the iPad Pro by 2024, manufactured usi... AppleiOS 2022-07-26 评论 523