Pangu prison escape team talks about the FBI incident! FBI vs Apple: the FBI narrowly won this game 最近受到國際媒體關注的消息就是FBI vs Apple事件,此事也造成很多方的誤解,甚至有些網友認為FBI真的沒人才,還只是正在演一齣戲?對於此次事件,專門研究iOS安全與越獄的盤古也跳出來進行分析iPhone破解... AppleiOS 2022-07-31 评论 432
Gsmagic prison break team can't play anymore! Give up early without releasing prison escape tools 前陣子受到不少人關注的消息就是希臘GSMagic越獄團隊宣布在6/10釋出越獄工具,讓不少用戶期待越獄工具即將來臨,但也有不少用戶認為該團隊似乎只是在展示越獄成果、欺騙大眾或刷存在感,不過讓人期待的6/10號即將到... AppleiOS 2022-07-31 评论 417
Apple Pay may finally work on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox in iOS 16 Apple Pay could finally be compatible with Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox in iOS 16. Ma... AppleiOS 2022-07-31 评论 449
Secret Service considers disabling iMessage over missing Jan 6. texts The Secret Service is considering preventing employees from using iMessage on age... AppleiOS 2022-07-31 评论 434
IOS 10 beta jailbreak tool will choose Samsung CPU in addition to the model 在iOS 10-iOS 10.1.1越獄搶先推出測試版本後,有少數符合機種與iOS 10.1-10.1.1版本都已經搶先越獄,但有部分用戶發現到在越獄中總是會卡在白畫面,造成沒有任何反應與動作,有不少測試者發現這問... AppleiOS 2022-07-30 评论 407