[cydia for ios7] perfect solution to the limited full function of everyday beautiful overseas IP on ios7 上一篇的Flex2教學來解決天天動聽,但只能透過放大鏡搜尋來解決,且不太穩定會常常出現延遲不然就是一首歌會等個老半天都斷斷續續,這次iOS.iM就來教你在iOS7上直接用完整版天天動聽功能,包含下載等功能都能夠使... AppleiOS 2022-08-02 评论 450
[ios7, ios8 secret technology] teach you to remove and modify ios7, ios8 built-in phone dialing sound skills 每次iOS7、iOS8一撥號就會有按鍵聲音,這對有些商務人士或是比較低調不想受人注意的使用者來講都會有相當大的困擾,但又不想切換靜音模式,今天就要來教大家在越獄後,就能夠輕鬆將電話播號聲給完整關閉或更換。前提條件... AppleiOS 2022-08-02 评论 451
Apple YouTube video answers often-asked iPhone switching queries Apple has published a new video to its official YouTube account to try and answer... AppleiOS 2022-08-02 评论 428
Price war: Apple TV 4K now on sale for $119.99 at Amazon, Best Buy Amazon and Best Buy continue to battle it out for the best Apple TV 4K deal, with... AppleiOS 2022-08-02 评论 411
[teaching] ios7 JB users refill or brush ios7 detailed teaching (including DFU mode) 目前越來越多使用者在iOS7 JB後,會發現Cydia錯誤導致無法解決,或是還在保固內想送回原廠送修,甚至是OTA升級的使用者也同樣會面臨到這樣重刷iOS7問題,如果你是有碰到這些奇奇怪怪的問題使用者請透過這篇... AppleiOS 2022-08-02 评论 423