Apple starts work on iPhone 14, Apple Watch Series 8 event video Apple has started work on its pre-recorded video for its fall product launch even... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 416
iOSMac技巧之苹果电脑上图片转文字、图片转电子表格的 OCR 软件:白描 Apple 以前推荐过苹果 iOS 上的 OCR App:白描,图片转文字很方便。最近,白描推出了 Mac 版,除了图片转文字和图片转电子表格,还能把不规则的照片(比如用手机对着纸质文件拍照,有褶皱或倾斜)转换成排版正式的 P... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 507
iOS苹果 iPhone 上快速制作证件照(还能美颜)的 App:白描证件照 Apple 制作简历、网上报名、注册公司账号等等时候可能会用到证件照,如果你没有证件照且对自己抠图水平没信心的话,可以试试「白描证件照」这款 App。支持各种尺寸和证件照背景颜色,还能美颜,比去照相馆方便多了。开发者写了篇很详... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 668
Daily deals August 7: $99 Beats Studio Buds, $849 M1 MacBook Air, $51 Netgear router, more Alongside an $849 M1 MacBook Air, Sunday's best deals include a 1TB WD EasyStore ... AppleiOS 2022-08-07 评论 461
The cheesegrater Mac Pro is 16 year old, and still the best Mac ever made — for now The original Mac Pro is 16 years old today, and it's still remembered as a high p... AppleiOS 2022-08-07 评论 392