苹果 Apple Watch 上线全新中文汉字表盘 近期,苹果 Apple Watch 手表上线了首个中文汉字表盘,名称是“字体排印”(Typograph)。苹果官方介绍,该表盘是为庆祝字体排印而设计,此表盘拥有三种自定样式:经典、现代和圆体。用户可以选择四个数字或... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 523
苹果 iPhone 14 Pro Max 机模曝光,比 iPhone 13 Pro Max 更厚 预计苹果公司将于 9 月份发布 iPhone 14 系列新品,现在 iPhone 14 Pro Max 机模已经被曝光,并且和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 进行了直观比较。爆料称,iPhone 14 Pro... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 466
Atlas 6 Dual-Band mesh review: a beginner-friendly way to add mesh networking to your home Cover up to 6,000 square feet in reliable, high-speed Wi-Fi with the Linksys Atla... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 430
Updated 2022 iPad Pro models could use four-pin Smart Connectors Apple could provide users of the 2022 iPad Pro with more connectivity to accessor... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 505
Apple Leather Link long term review: Still holds up after almost two years It's been almost two years since Apple released the Leather Link band for Apple W... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 448