Apple-1 'prototype' history questioned as auction continues Doubts have been raised about the history of a supposed Apple-1 prototype owned b... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 442
Malaysian bank scrambles to undo early Apple Pay launch A bank in Malaysia mistakenly announced Apple Pay had launched via its website, m... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 461
Kuo cautiously predicts January 2023 Apple VR launch Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has renewed his previous claim that Apple may announce its V... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 474
iPhone14Pro涨价吗?iPhone14Pro什么时候上市? 每年九月苹果都会举行新品发布会,届时全新的iPhone系列将正式与大家见面。目前,苹果已经开启了发布会视频的录制,不出意外的话,全新的iPhone 14系列依旧将延续往年的惯例,发布会日期将会被定在9月13日,发布... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 558
消息称苹果 iPhone 14 / Pro 系列新机备货扩大至 9500 万部 据中国台湾地区经济日报报道,智能手机市场低迷,供应链传出,苹果近期逆势扩大 iPhone 14 系列新机初期备货总量,高标上探 9500 万部,较此前预期增加约 5%,借此抢占非苹果阵营市场,台积电、鸿海、大立光、... AppleiOS 2022-08-08 评论 544