Telegram app update was held up over iOS-inspired animated emoji Apple has approved Telegram's latest update, but only after the developers remove... AppleiOS 2022-08-13 评论 446
Apple, Facebook discussed revenue-sharing before privacy battles designr said: Interesting. Very interesting.If what happened was Apple proposed to Facebook to develop an i... AppleiOS 2022-08-13 评论 421
TV versus Monitor: The pros and cons of using each with your Mac slow n easyA monitor will obviously get you a better picture but I’m perfectly happy with my 40” TV that I’... AppleiOS 2022-08-13 评论 487
Rumor roundup: Apple's 10th-generation iPad could see a significant redesign The 10th-generation iPad may have an all-new design when it launches this fall. C... AppleiOS 2022-08-13 评论 450
挖孔还是更强!iPhone 14/13/12屏幕对比:屏占比巨变 挖孔还是更强!iPhone 14/13/12屏幕对比:屏占比巨变文章概要:iPhone 14 Pro相比iPhone 13 Pro的小刘海,以及iPhone 12 Pro的大刘海,都非常明显的提升了屏幕的显示区域。... AppleiOS 2022-08-13 评论 467