How and why Apple's iPod touch could be reborn Since the discontinuation of iPod touch, it has left us wondering what Apple coul... AppleiOS 2022-08-16 评论 405
Apple researching wearable glove input device, to simplify interactions with AR & VR Apple is researching how users can interact with computer systems, with one idea being a glove that could b... AppleiOS 2022-08-16 评论 433
Apple lays off 100 recruiters as hiring becomes more 'deliberate' Around 100 contractor recruiters have now been laid off at Apple, although an unk... AppleiOS 2022-08-16 评论 474
iPhone14配色有哪些?iPhone14 Pro有绿色吗? 在配色上,今年iPhone14不会再有iPhone13 数字系列的猛男粉了,Pro系列的远峰蓝也不会在再出现。iPhone14会有哪些配色呢?相关爆料称iPhone14系列会有一款以冷梅紫命名的全新配色,该配色主要... AppleiOS 2022-08-16 评论 416
苹果iPhone 15继续挤牙膏:仅Pro版才上3nm A17芯片 苹果iPhone 15继续挤牙膏:仅Pro版才上3nm A17芯片文章概要:明年的iPhone 15会用A16处理器,iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max才会上3nm工艺的A17处理器。下个月苹果就要发布iP... AppleiOS 2022-08-16 评论 457