苹果探索混合 AI 模型算法,帮助用户制定个性化健身方案 苹果健康研究团队于 3 月底发布了一篇博文,宣布他们正在利用机器学习和 AI 技术,帮助用户探索更适合的健身计划。苹果健康研究团队表示当前模型是在高度受控的实验室环境下,观测某个变量对用户健身效果的影响,这样得出的... AppleiOS 2024-04-10 评论 239
Astoundingly unsafe iMessage bridge Sunbird is back, and you still shouldn't use it Sunbird powering an iMessage clone on Android.Sunbird, the service that claimed to bring iMessage to Androi... AppleiOS 2024-04-09 评论 249
Apple now allows classic game emulators on the App Store omasouGiven how existing emulators often rely on user-provided ROM files, it's not clear how this will be e... AppleiOS 2024-04-09 评论 243
Apple TV with a camera is the rumor that will never die 602warrenTo me, an AppleTV with a camera built in doesn’t make sense, as most people try to hide the AppleT... AppleiOS 2024-04-09 评论 290
网传大陆苹果16AI模型将用百度AI,苹果的AI之路为什么这么曲折? 在可预见的未来,AI的重要性日益显现。外界普遍认为,苹果若想继续保持领先地位,关键在于其AI领域的布局成果。大陆 iPhone 16 AI模型会用百度AI吗?苹果的AI之路为什么这么曲折?其实,苹果在人工智能技术并... AppleiOS 2024-04-08 评论 2155