badmonkSo Masimo is not a patent troll, but the idea that they will make a health watch with the scale of Apple Watch...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章
RayshardTThe point that Messages is the default and can't be changed is a valid argument for being anticompetitive in...
hammeroftruthI think the confusion is that most people who have damaged a watch and do not have AppleCare+ realize th...
苹果 iOS 18 代码曝光:iPhone 16/Pro 系列将采用 A18/Pro 芯片文章概要:有报告显示,苹果 iOS 18 系统内部开发代号为“Crystal”,并引用了四款尚未发布的 iPhone 机型。在发布 iOS 17...
iPhone 用户反馈:升级到 iOS 17 后闹钟无法正常响起文章概要:许多用户升级到 iOS 17 后,闹钟无法按时响起或在闹铃声响起数秒后突然停止,无法起到正常闹钟的作用。有用户在 Reddit 社区发帖反馈,自今年 9 月下旬...