疫情因素,iPhone 14的备货可能会有所影响,但不会干扰的苹果的正常节奏,2022年iPhone 新机将依然会在9月份的某个周二如期而至。预计iPhone 14系列最早可能会在8月初开始量产备货,其中iPhone 14和iPhon...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章
5 月 29 日消息,此前据显示屏分析师 Ross Young 爆料,iPhone 14 Pro 和 iPhone 14 Pro Max 中使用的 ProMotion 显示屏将能够降至相同的 1Hz。该技术可以为更长的续航或息屏显示铺...
Apple’s attempt to dismiss an amended antitrust lawsuit filed by the creator of Cydia, an app store for jailbroken iP...
Apple may introduce an updated MacBook Air at WWDC 2022, one that could be revealed as part...
Apple may finally bring always-on display to the upcoming iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max. According to a report from Bloom...