iOS 15.5是目前公众可用的最新正式版操作系统,但用户反映,更新到iOS 15.5后 Books应用居然无法打开书籍!这是什么梗?苹果在5月份发布了iOS 15.5,对播客应用、Apple Cash进行了增强,并修复了整体错误。然...
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市场传出苹果考量通膨导致消费紧缩,下修iPhone 14新机初期备货量,由原定9000万支减少10%。供应链指标大厂则同声表示,并未接获苹果砍单通知,iPhone 14初期备货9000万支的目标不变,鸿海与和硕等iPhone供应链下半...
Alongside its existing back-to-school offers, Apple is providing new subscribers of its Apple Music Student plan a fr...

The $1,799 14-inch MacBook Pro promotion at leading Apple resellers is still one of the bes...
The upcoming Apple Watch Series 8 will reportedly come with a body temperature sensor that can tell whether you’re ru...