苹果 Beats 品牌宣布与金·卡戴珊合作推出三种新配色的 Beats Fit Pro 无线耳机。将于 8 月 17 日 9 时正式发售,售价为 1599 元。新款 Beats Fit Pro 拥有三款中性配色:明月浅色系、沙丘中间色...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章
现在有传闻称,苹果公司正在研发“Pro”版 Apple Watch,该型号将与 Apple Watch Series 8 一同发售。Apple Watch Pro 将采用不同的设计、更大的尺寸,并且拥有更昂贵的价格。外媒 Macrum...
Following the withdrawal of a premature announcement by Malaysia's AmBank, Apple has now of...
App Store operators Apple, Google, and One Store, will be probed by South Korea regulators ...
AppleInsider is one of the few truly independent online publications left. If you love what we do, ple...