A new set of leaked CAD files show the 10th-generation iPad could have a slightly larger di...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章
It's the summer, and that means it's back to school. Here's which MacBook Air and MacBook P...
thtI buy it from a couple if perspectives. Stage Manager with an external display still needs a lot more work, like 1...
我记得很久以前,苹果电脑 Mac OS X 系统默认的壁纸就是太空主题,后来到了 macOS 时代变成旅游景点主题的壁纸了。詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜拍到的太空照片最近很火,在网上找到了相关主题的壁纸,6K 分辨率,苹果最高端的 Pro Di...
苹果公布了 2022 财年第三财季财报,营收 829.59 亿美元,同比增长 2%,净利润 194.42 亿美元,同比下降 11%;其中大中华区营收 146.04 亿美元,同比下降 1%;因为苹果早已不再公布具体销量,下面只有财务数据...