苹果公司于今日通知开发者,因未遵守欧盟数字服务法(DSA)的“交易者身份”要求,部分应用已被 App Store 下架。这些应用在未向苹果提供并验证交易者身份信息之前,将无法重新上架。欧盟数字服务法规定,开发者在欧盟地区分发应用时,必...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章

本周,MacRumors 获得了投资公司 GF Securities 的一份报告,供应链分析师 Jeff Pu 表示,iPhone 17、iPhone 17 Air、iPhone 17 Pro 和 iPhone 17 Pro Max ...
The latest in a series of leaks about the physical chassis design of the iPhone 17 range says that it will be a signi...
On this episode of the HomeKit Insider Podcast, we break down the latest in smart home news such as more rumors on Ap...

A new report about Spotify's plans for a more expensive premium tier claims that Apple is considering doing the same,...