今日消息,苹果官方对 iPhone 和 iPad 的 “Apple 支持”应用进行了重大升级,该应用已更新到 4.9 版本,从现在开始,该应用现在可以在 118 个新地区使用,并提供对三种新语言的支持。更新后,Apple 支持应用现在...
分类 "AppleiOS" 下的文章
马克・古尔曼(Mark Gurman)在彭博社发表最新文章,指出在苹果内部,一些负责推进“RealityPro”混合现实头显的高层管理人员坚信:AR/VR 头显将会取代 iPhone,成为苹果公司营收的新支柱业务。古尔曼在文章中表示:...
Apple's AirTag AppleInsider may earn an affiliate commission on purchases made through links on our s...
Save up to $500 on Amazon. AppleInsider may earn an affiliate commission on purchases made through li...
DAalsethWhen it was just accusations mostly in the press I was able to wait and see. But that the NLRB has ruled that...