据彭博社的马克·古尔曼报道,苹果将在10月底左右发布几款新的M4 Mac机型,该公司计划最快在11月1日(星期五)推出至少其中一些机型。古尔曼在他最新的Power on时事通讯中写道,苹果将推出新的M4版本的入门14英寸MacBook...
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据彭博社的马克·古尔曼报道,苹果计划于10月28日发布iOS 18.1,并推出备受期待的Apple智能功能。古尔曼在他最新一期的Power on时事通讯中写道,本月发布日期比最初预期的要晚一些,据报道,苹果正在花费额外的时间来确保顺利...
jas99 said:saarek said: Sounds like a typical Apple issue. For the amount of profit they make you’d figure they’d inv...
A Russian YouTube channel has posted an unboxing video of what is alleged to be Apple's M4 MacBook Pro, though take i...
Apple's next hardware event will take place in late October, with at least the MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iPad mini e...