今日,苹果官方向 iPhone 和 iPad 用户推送了 iOS 17.4/iPadOS 17.4 开发者预览版 Beta 3 更新,内部版本号为 21E5200d。根据苹果官方更新日志,其更新内容和 iOS 17.4 Beta 2 ...
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据彭博社报道,经过监管机构调查后,欧盟确认苹果 iMessage 不适用《数字市场法案》(DMA),因为欧洲人更多地使用 WhatsApp 而不是 iMessage。根据欧盟的说法,该调查得出的结论是,iMessage 平台和微软的 ...
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visionOS on an Apple Vision ProApple's third update for the Apple Vision Pro operating system, visionOS 1.0.3 makes a...
Apple's visionOS menu systemDevelopers have begun offering insight into how their apps are performing on the Apple Vi...